作者:E4b9a6, 创建:2021-06-16, 字数:52517, 已阅:254, 最后更新:2021-06-16
使用Markdown解析器之后发现这一部分是有明确规范的写法的,于是从Python的pygments lexers 中提取这一部分解析列表出来,应该覆盖了绝大部分的语言缩写了
编程语言 | 支持的缩写 | |
ABAP | abap | |
AMDGPU | amdgpu | |
APL | apl | |
ABNF | abnf | |
ActionScript 3 | as3, actionscript3 | |
ActionScript | as, actionscript | |
Ada | ada, ada95, ada2005 | |
ADL | adl | |
Agda | agda | |
Aheui | aheui | |
Alloy | alloy | |
AmbientTalk | at, ambienttalk, ambienttalk/2 | |
Ampl | ampl | |
HTML + Angular2 | html+ng2 | |
Angular2 | ng2 | |
ANTLR With ActionScript Target | antlr-as, antlr-actionscript | |
ANTLR With C# Target | antlr-csharp, antlr-c# | |
ANTLR With CPP Target | antlr-cpp | |
ANTLR With Java Target | antlr-java | |
ANTLR | antlr | |
ANTLR With ObjectiveC Target | antlr-objc | |
ANTLR With Perl Target | antlr-perl | |
ANTLR With Python Target | antlr-python | |
ANTLR With Ruby Target | antlr-ruby, antlr-rb | |
ApacheConf | apacheconf, aconf, apache | |
AppleScript | applescript | |
Arduino | arduino | |
Arrow | arrow | |
AspectJ | aspectj | |
Asymptote | asy, asymptote | |
Augeas | augeas | |
AutoIt | autoit | |
autohotkey | ahk, autohotkey | |
Awk | awk, gawk, mawk, nawk | |
BBC Basic | bbcbasic | |
BBCode | bbcode | |
BC | bc | |
BST | bst, bst-pybtex | |
BARE | bare | |
Base Makefile | basemake | |
Bash | bash, sh, ksh, zsh, shell | |
Bash Session | console, shell-session | |
Batchfile | bat, batch, dosbatch, winbatch | |
Befunge | befunge | |
BibTeX | bib, bibtex | |
BlitzBasic | blitzbasic, b3d, bplus | |
BlitzMax | blitzmax, bmax | |
BNF | bnf | |
Boa | boa | |
Boo | boo | |
Boogie | boogie | |
Brainfuck | brainfuck, bf | |
BUGS | bugs, winbugs, openbugs | |
CAmkES | camkes, idl4 | |
C | c | |
CMake | cmake | |
c-objdump | c-objdump | |
CPSA | cpsa | |
aspx-cs | aspx-cs | |
C# | csharp, c# | |
ca65 assembler | ca65 | |
cADL | cadl | |
CapDL | capdl | |
Cap'n Proto | capnp | |
CBM BASIC V2 | cbmbas | |
CDDL | cddl | |
Ceylon | ceylon | |
CFEngine3 | cfengine3, cf3 | |
ChaiScript | chai, chaiscript | |
Chapel | chapel, chpl | |
Charmci | charmci | |
HTML+Cheetah | html+cheetah, html+spitfire, htmlcheetah | |
JavaScript+Cheetah | js+cheetah, javascript+cheetah, js+spitfire, javascript+spitfire | |
Cheetah | cheetah, spitfire | |
XML+Cheetah | xml+cheetah, xml+spitfire | |
Cirru | cirru | |
Clay | clay | |
Clean | clean | |
Clojure | clojure, clj | |
ClojureScript | clojurescript, cljs | |
COBOLFree | cobolfree | |
COBOL | cobol | |
CoffeeScript | coffee-script, coffeescript, coffee | |
Coldfusion CFC | cfc | |
Coldfusion HTML | cfm | |
cfstatement | cfs | |
Common Lisp | common-lisp, cl, lisp | |
Component Pascal | componentpascal, cp | |
Coq | coq | |
C++ | cpp, c++ | |
cpp-objdump | cpp-objdump, c++-objdumb, cxx-objdump | |
Crmsh | crmsh, pcmk | |
Croc | croc | |
Cryptol | cryptol, cry | |
Crystal | cr, crystal | |
Csound Document | csound-document, csound-csd | |
Csound Orchestra | csound, csound-orc | |
Csound Score | csound-score, csound-sco | |
CSS+Django/Jinja | css+django, css+jinja | |
CSS+Ruby | css+erb, css+ruby | |
CSS+Genshi Text | css+genshitext, css+genshi | |
CSS | css | |
CSS+PHP | css+php | |
CSS+Smarty | css+smarty | |
CUDA | cuda, cu | |
Cypher | cypher | |
Cython | cython, pyx, pyrex | |
D | d | |
d-objdump | d-objdump | |
Darcs Patch | dpatch | |
Dart | dart | |
DASM16 | dasm16 | |
Debian Control file | control, debcontrol | |
Delphi | delphi, pas, pascal, objectpascal | |
Devicetree | devicetree, dts | |
dg | dg | |
Diff | diff, udiff | |
Django/Jinja | django, jinja | |
Docker | docker, dockerfile | |
DTD | dtd | |
Duel | duel, jbst, jsonml+bst | |
Dylan session | dylan-console, dylan-repl | |
Dylan | dylan | |
DylanLID | dylan-lid, lid | |
ECL | ecl | |
eC | ec | |
Earl Grey | earl-grey, earlgrey, eg | |
Easytrieve | easytrieve | |
EBNF | ebnf | |
Eiffel | eiffel | |
Elixir iex session | iex | |
Elixir | elixir, ex, exs | |
Elm | elm | |
EmacsLisp | emacs, elisp, emacs-lisp | |
email, eml | ||
ERB | erb | |
Erlang | erlang | |
Erlang erl session | erl | |
HTML+Evoque | html+evoque | |
Evoque | evoque | |
XML+Evoque | xml+evoque | |
execline | execline | |
Ezhil | ezhil | |
F# | fsharp, f# | |
FStar | fstar | |
Factor | factor | |
Fancy | fancy, fy | |
Fantom | fan | |
Felix | felix, flx | |
Fennel | fennel, fnl | |
Fish | fish, fishshell | |
Flatline | flatline | |
FloScript | floscript, flo | |
Forth | forth | |
FortranFixed | fortranfixed | |
Fortran | fortran | |
FoxPro | foxpro, vfp, clipper, xbase | |
Freefem | freefem | |
Futhark | futhark | |
GAP | gap | |
GDScript | gdscript, gd | |
GLSL | glsl | |
GAS | gas, asm | |
Genshi | genshi, kid, xml+genshi, xml+kid | |
Genshi Text | genshitext | |
Gettext Catalog | pot, po | |
Gherkin | cucumber, gherkin | |
Gnuplot | gnuplot | |
Go | go | |
Golo | golo | |
GoodData-CL | gooddata-cl | |
Gosu | gosu | |
Gosu Template | gst | |
Graphviz | graphviz, dot | |
Groff | groff, nroff, man | |
Groovy | groovy | |
HLSL | hlsl | |
Haml | haml | |
HTML+Handlebars | html+handlebars | |
Handlebars | handlebars | |
Haskell | haskell, hs | |
Haxe | hx, haxe, hxsl | |
Hexdump | hexdump | |
HSAIL | hsail, hsa | |
Hspec | hspec | |
HTML+Django/Jinja | html+django, html+jinja, htmldjango | |
HTML+Genshi | html+genshi, html+kid | |
HTML | html | |
HTML+PHP | html+php | |
HTML+Smarty | html+smarty | |
HTTP | http | |
Hxml | haxeml, hxml | |
Hy | hylang | |
Hybris | hybris, hy | |
IDL | idl | |
Icon | icon | |
Idris | idris, idr | |
Igor | igor, igorpro | |
Inform 6 | inform6, i6 | |
Inform 6 template | i6t | |
Inform 7 | inform7, i7 | |
INI | ini, cfg, dosini | |
Io | io | |
Ioke | ioke, ik | |
IRC logs | irc | |
Isabelle | isabelle | |
J | j | |
JAGS | jags | |
Jasmin | jasmin, jasminxt | |
Java | java | |
JavaScript+Django/Jinja | js+django, javascript+django, js+jinja, javascript+jinja | |
JavaScript+Ruby | js+erb, javascript+erb, js+ruby, javascript+ruby | |
JavaScript+Genshi Text | js+genshitext, js+genshi, javascript+genshitext, javascript+genshi | |
JavaScript | js, javascript | |
JavaScript+PHP | js+php, javascript+php | |
JavaScript+Smarty | js+smarty, javascript+smarty | |
JCL | jcl | |
JSGF | jsgf | |
JSONBareObject | ||
JSON-LD | jsonld, json-ld | |
JSON | json, json-object | |
Java Server Page | jsp | |
Julia console | jlcon | |
Julia | julia, jl | |
Juttle | juttle | |
Kal | kal | |
Kconfig | kconfig, menuconfig, linux-config, kernel-config | |
Kernel log | kmsg, dmesg | |
Koka | koka | |
Kotlin | kotlin | |
LSL | lsl | |
CSS+Lasso | css+lasso | |
HTML+Lasso | html+lasso | |
JavaScript+Lasso | js+lasso, javascript+lasso | |
Lasso | lasso, lassoscript | |
XML+Lasso | xml+lasso | |
Lean | lean | |
LessCss | less | |
Lighttpd configuration file | lighty, lighttpd | |
Limbo | limbo | |
liquid | liquid | |
Literate Agda | lagda, literate-agda | |
Literate Cryptol | lcry, literate-cryptol, lcryptol | |
Literate Haskell | lhs, literate-haskell, lhaskell | |
Literate Idris | lidr, literate-idris, lidris | |
LiveScript | live-script, livescript | |
LLVM | llvm | |
LLVM-MIR Body | llvm-mir-body | |
LLVM-MIR | llvm-mir | |
Logos | logos | |
Logtalk | logtalk | |
Lua | lua | |
MIME | mime | |
MOOCode | moocode, moo | |
MSDOS Session | doscon | |
Makefile | make, makefile, mf, bsdmake | |
CSS+Mako | css+mako | |
HTML+Mako | html+mako | |
JavaScript+Mako | js+mako, javascript+mako | |
Mako | mako | |
XML+Mako | xml+mako | |
MAQL | maql | |
markdown | md, markdown | |
Mask | mask | |
Mason | mason | |
Mathematica | mathematica, mma, nb | |
Matlab | matlab | |
Matlab session | matlabsession | |
MiniD | minid | |
MiniScript | ms, miniscript | |
Modelica | modelica | |
Modula-2 | modula2, m2 | |
MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markup | trac-wiki, moin | |
Monkey | monkey | |
Monte | monte | |
MoonScript | moon, moonscript | |
Mosel | mosel | |
CSS+mozpreproc | css+mozpreproc | |
mozhashpreproc | mozhashpreproc | |
Javascript+mozpreproc | javascript+mozpreproc | |
mozpercentpreproc | mozpercentpreproc | |
XUL+mozpreproc | xul+mozpreproc | |
MQL | mql, mq4, mq5, mql4, mql5 | |
Mscgen | mscgen, msc | |
MuPAD | mupad | |
MXML | mxml | |
MySQL | mysql | |
CSS+Myghty | css+myghty | |
HTML+Myghty | html+myghty | |
JavaScript+Myghty | js+myghty, javascript+myghty | |
Myghty | myghty | |
XML+Myghty | xml+myghty | |
NCL | ncl | |
NSIS | nsis, nsi, nsh | |
NASM | nasm | |
objdump-nasm | objdump-nasm | |
Nemerle | nemerle | |
nesC | nesc | |
NewLisp | newlisp | |
Newspeak | newspeak | |
Nginx configuration file | nginx | |
Nimrod | nim, nimrod | |
Nit | nit | |
Nix | nixos, nix | |
Notmuch | notmuch | |
NuSMV | nusmv | |
NumPy | numpy | |
objdump | objdump | |
Objective-C | objective-c, objectivec, obj-c, objc | |
Objective-C++ | objective-c++, objectivec++, obj-c++, objc++ | |
Objective-J | objective-j, objectivej, obj-j, objj | |
OCaml | ocaml | |
Octave | octave | |
ODIN | odin | |
Ooc | ooc | |
Opa | opa | |
OpenEdge ABL | openedge, abl, progress | |
PacmanConf | pacmanconf | |
Pan | pan | |
ParaSail | parasail | |
Pawn | pawn | |
PEG | peg | |
Perl6 | perl6, pl6, raku | |
Perl | perl, pl | |
PHP | php, php3, php4, php5 | |
Pig | pig | |
Pike | pike | |
PkgConfig | pkgconfig | |
PL/pgSQL | plpgsql | |
Pointless | pointless | |
Pony | pony | |
PostScript | postscript, postscr | |
PostgreSQL console (psql) | psql, postgresql-console, postgres-console | |
PostgreSQL SQL dialect | postgresql, postgres | |
POVRay | pov | |
PowerShell | powershell, posh, ps1, psm1 | |
PowerShell Session | ps1con | |
Praat | praat | |
Prolog | prolog | |
PromQL | promql | |
Properties | properties, jproperties | |
Protocol Buffer | protobuf, proto | |
PsySH console session for PHP | psysh | |
Pug | pug, jade | |
Puppet | puppet | |
PyPy Log | pypylog, pypy | |
Python 2.x | python2, py2 | |
Python 2.x Traceback | py2tb | |
Python console session | pycon | |
Python | python, py, sage, python3, py3 | |
Python Traceback | pytb, py3tb | |
QBasic | qbasic, basic | |
QVTO | qvto, qvt | |
QML | qml, qbs | |
RConsole | rconsole, rout | |
Relax-NG Compact | rnc, rng-compact | |
RPMSpec | spec | |
Racket | racket, rkt | |
Ragel in C Host | ragel-c | |
Ragel in CPP Host | ragel-cpp | |
Ragel in D Host | ragel-d | |
Embedded Ragel | ragel-em | |
Ragel in Java Host | ragel-java | |
Ragel | ragel | |
Ragel in Objective C Host | ragel-objc | |
Ragel in Ruby Host | ragel-ruby, ragel-rb | |
Raw token data | ||
Rd | rd | |
ReasonML | reason, reasonml | |
REBOL | rebol | |
Red | red, red/system | |
Redcode | redcode | |
reg | registry | |
ResourceBundle | resource, resourcebundle | |
Rexx | rexx, arexx | |
RHTML | rhtml, html+erb, html+ruby | |
Ride | ride | |
Roboconf Graph | roboconf-graph | |
Roboconf Instances | roboconf-instances | |
RobotFramework | robotframework | |
RQL | rql | |
RSL | rsl | |
reStructuredText | rst, rest, restructuredtext | |
TrafficScript | rts, trafficscript | |
Ruby irb session | rbcon, irb | |
Ruby | rb, ruby, duby | |
Rust | rust, rs | |
SAS | sas | |
S | splus, s, r | |
Standard ML | sml | |
SARL | sarl | |
Sass | sass | |
Scala | scala | |
Scaml | scaml | |
scdoc | scdoc, scd | |
Scheme | scheme, scm | |
Scilab | scilab | |
SCSS | scss | |
ShExC | shexc, shex | |
Shen | shen | |
Sieve | sieve | |
Silver | silver | |
Singularity | singularity | |
Slash | slash | |
Slim | slim | |
Slurm | slurm, sbatch | |
Smali | smali | |
Smalltalk | smalltalk, squeak, st | |
SmartGameFormat | sgf | |
Smarty | smarty | |
Snobol | snobol | |
Snowball | snowball | |
Solidity | solidity | |
SourcePawn | sp | |
Debian Sourcelist | sourceslist, sources.list, debsources | |
SPARQL | sparql | |
SQL | sql | |
sqlite3con | sqlite3 | |
SquidConf | squidconf, squid.conf, squid | |
Scalate Server Page | ssp | |
Stan | stan | |
Stata | stata, do | |
SuperCollider | sc, supercollider | |
Swift | swift | |
SWIG | swig | |
systemverilog | systemverilog, sv | |
TAP | tap | |
Typographic Number Theory | tnt | |
TOML | toml | |
TADS 3 | tads3 | |
TASM | tasm | |
Tcl | tcl | |
Tcsh | tcsh, csh | |
Tcsh Session | tcshcon | |
Tea | tea | |
Tera Term macro | ttl, teraterm, teratermmacro | |
Termcap | termcap | |
Terminfo | terminfo | |
Terraform | terraform, tf | |
TeX | tex, latex | |
Text only | text | |
Thrift | thrift | |
tiddler | tid | |
Todotxt | todotxt | |
Transact-SQL | tsql, t-sql | |
Treetop | treetop | |
Turtle | turtle | |
HTML+Twig | html+twig | |
Twig | twig | |
TypeScript | ts, typescript | |
TypoScriptCssData | typoscriptcssdata | |
TypoScriptHtmlData | typoscripthtmldata | |
TypoScript | typoscript | |
ucode | ucode | |
Unicon | unicon | |
UrbiScript | urbiscript | |
USD | usd, usda | |
VBScript | vbscript | |
VCL | vcl | |
VCLSnippets | vclsnippets, vclsnippet | |
VCTreeStatus | vctreestatus | |
VGL | vgl | |
Vala | vala, vapi | |
aspx-vb | aspx-vb | |
VB.net | vb.net, vbnet | |
HTML+Velocity | html+velocity | |
Velocity | velocity | |
XML+Velocity | xml+velocity | |
verilog | verilog, v | |
vhdl | vhdl | |
VimL | vim | |
WDiff | wdiff | |
Web IDL | webidl | |
Whiley | whiley | |
X10 | x10, xten | |
XQuery | xquery, xqy, xq, xql, xqm | |
XML+Django/Jinja | xml+django, xml+jinja | |
XML+Ruby | xml+erb, xml+ruby | |
XML | xml | |
XML+PHP | xml+php | |
XML+Smarty | xml+smarty | |
Xorg | xorg.conf | |
XSLT | xslt | |
Xtend | xtend | |
xtlang | extempore | |
YAML+Jinja | yaml+jinja, salt, sls | |
YAML | yaml | |
YANG | yang | |
Zeek | zeek, bro | |
Zephir | zephir | |
Zig | zig |